Posted on 09/27/2022 in the Article category.

Managing the interests of your kids or students in studies is undoubtedly a really tough task. Being a tutor, parent or a sibling of a child who is no longer interested in any of his study material , you might be in a very mind-bobbling situation on what to do and what not to. Already […]

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10 Ways to Make Cleaning Fun For Your Kids

Posted on 09/20/2022 in the Article category.

Let’s face it, chores can be a drag, even for mom at times. However, the work still needs to get done most times. Try having a little fun along the way because in the words of Mary Poppins, “Just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down.” Making cleaning fun certainly makes things easier […]

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Fun things for the nanny to do with the kids

Posted on 09/13/2022 in the Article category.

“I’m bored!” In case you’re job is a babysitter or nanny for kids, probabilities are that you’re also familiar with this particular phrase. So, what will you do in this case? For the best chances of hooking — & holding — kids’ attention, plan for activities which engage their sense and that is at an […]

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33 DIY Ideas For The Kids To Make At Home

Posted on 09/06/2022 in the Article category.

Need some fun ideas to keep your kids entertained? Sometimes, as parents, we just run out of creative, new ways to keep busy kids happy and occupied. That’s ok, too. Especially when all these crafty Moms and bloggers share their great ideas with us on Pinterest. We chose our favorite DIY crafts and activities for […]

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Upcoming Jewish Holidays

Posted on 09/04/2022 in the Article category.

Observances, study, FAQs, videos, and music for all minor and major Jewish holidays, festivals and fast days. To continue reading Click Here!

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