10 Tips on Time Management for Busy Moms

Posted on 04/05/2019 in the Article category.

Moms are busy. We’re not only trying to juggle all the responsibilities of our own lives, often we’re keeping the whole family on schedule too. That is a lot to ask of moms, but we do it, along with the million other things that keep our families going! As a mom, I used to be […]

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The taming of our playroom!

Posted on 03/31/2019 in the Article category.

My aversion to toys is well-known to my family and friends and well-documented throughout this newsletter and website. There are few things that bother me more than toy clutter all over my house. It really affects my mood and my patience and tolerance toward my children. I’m not supposed to think or say that out […]

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10 Things I Wish I Had Known About Breastfeeding

Posted on 01/27/2019 in the Article category.

My Facebook memories are full of status updates and pictures from five years ago, right before I was about to give birth to our first child. It’s funny looking back on the memories and reading my thoughts. I was counting down the weeks with no idea that she wouldn’t come on or before her due […]

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Working Mom The Working Mom: A Balancing Act

Posted on 01/23/2019 in the Article category.

I’m only one year into this balancing act, but it’s no joke.  At the time I became pregnant with my daughter, I was working as a divorce lawyer for a mid-size law firm in Essex County.  My day-to-day job is demanding, without the complications of morning sickness, fatigue, and swollen feet.  I spend a lot […]

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Benefits of Family Game Night

Posted on 01/19/2019 in the Article category.

Battleship, scrabble and monopoly were the board games in my closet as a child. They were so much fun to play; however, as parents, we take a closer look at these games to see how they build skills such as critical thinking, deductive reasoning, a strong vocabulary and an understanding of finance. It is not […]

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